Overeducation and its impact on unemployment duration: a glance at the Israeli labour market
by Sharon More
Middle East J. of Management (MEJM), Vol. 11, No. 6, 2024

Abstract: The current article examined the effect of the inefficient allocation of academic individuals in the Israeli labour market in terms of mismatch between the individual's level of education and the level of education required by their job - a phenomenon known as 'overeducation' - on the individual's duration of unemployment in the economy. The average cumulative annual duration of unemployment, as of graduation with a bachelor's degree, among overeducated individuals, was found to be higher than the average cumulative annual duration of unemployment among those who are not overeducated. Thus, one can see how significant this phenomenon is with respect to its effects on an individual's integration into the labour market.

Online publication date: Thu, 03-Oct-2024

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