Estimation of vehicle state and road surface adhesion coefficient based on double square root cubature Kalman filter Online publication date: Mon, 07-Oct-2024
by Wei Gao; Wenfei Liu; Zhaowen Deng; Baohua Wang; Youqun Zhao
International Journal of Vehicle Performance (IJVP), Vol. 10, No. 4, 2024
Abstract: With a focus on the problem of estimating the vehicle state and road surface attachment coefficient while in motion, and using distributed drive electric vehicles as the research subject, a double-square-root volumetric Kalman filtering vehicle traveling state and road surface attachment coefficient estimator (DSRCKF) is designed. It is based on the idea of square-root filtering, which introduces the square-root factor of the covariance matrix and updates the process iteratively. Two linked sub-filters that are updated in real-time are present in the estimator. To achieve accurate estimation of the vehicle state and roadway attachment coefficients, a nonlinear seven-degree-of-freedom vehicle model based on the dugoff tyre model is first established. Next, a vehicle simulation platform for distributed-drive electric vehicles is built using the CarSim-Simulink software, and the double-square-root-volume Kalman filtering algorithm is deduced. The DSRCKF estimation method outperforms the DCKF and DUKF algorithms after the created algorithm has been simulated and tested under typical operating conditions.
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