Development of start-ups risk assessment framework during COVID-19 era
by Aswathy Sreenivasan; M. Suresh
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 36, No. 1, 2025

Abstract: Start-ups across all sectors are facing many challenges during the COVID-19 era. This paper aims to assess the significant risks faced by start-ups during the COVID-19 pandemic using a multi-grade fuzzy logic approach. A case study is conducted using multi-grade fuzzy for assessment of manufacturing start-ups' risk. The conceptual model for evaluation of risk is developed with 3 enablers, 10 criteria, and 33 attributes. The multi-grade fuzzy is used for risk assessment and importance performance analysis (IPA) used for classification of risk attributes. The overall risk index for case start-up is 6.47. It pertains to the range (6-7), which is classed as 'risk'. Finally, seven critical attributes are identified using IPA. The proposed assessment framework will help the start-ups managers to reduce the risk level of their operation in COVID-19 era.

Online publication date: Wed, 15-Jan-2025

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