Education for environmentally responsible behaviour in business
by Kumba Jallow
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (IJESD), Vol. 9, No. 1/2/3, 2010

Abstract: The aim of this study was to explore the possibility of teaching the subject of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to higher education students. Increasingly, business activity is recognised as impacting, often negatively, on the environment. Calls to mitigate this result in a response usually called CSR. CSR may be regarded as the means by which businesses deliver sustainable development. Therefore, it is important that students of business studies appreciate the activities of business organisations, in this respect. The paper outlines in case studies two modules where CSR is a main component, one at undergraduate level and one at postgraduate level and demonstrates that CSR as a subject can be made available to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Online publication date: Thu, 03-Dec-2009

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