Guide for the international transfer of managerial know-how
by Ovidiu Nicolescu
International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003
Abstract: The present study represents one of the first attempts, at a world level, to elaborate a guide on how to realise the international transfer of managerial know-how. A basis for the guide is the over 20 years experience of the author in the field of comparative management. The guide is structured in six stages, the main elements that have to be taken into consideration by managers in order to achieve an effective transfer of valuable management elements from a company, which belong to that company's culture, so that they work in another company's culture. The guide represents an operational methodological instrument of high pragmatic utility for managers, in the context of the intensification of internationalisation.
Online publication date: Wed, 24-Sep-2003
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