Comparing the impact of a road tunnel vs. a road viaduct by means of an integrated exposure assessment
by Clemens Mensink, Guido Cosemans, Inge Liekens, Rudi Torfs, Jean Vankerkom
International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP), Vol. 44, No. 1/2/3/4, 2011

Abstract: Using the MOBILEE methodology, we performed a detailed air quality assessment for three scenarios for the ring road around Antwerp, a major city in Belgium, using PM10 and NOx emission inventories for 2003 (reference) and 2015 (projected future situation), followed by an assessment of the exposure of the population living in the vicinity of the planned constructions. PM10 turned out to be the dominant parameter in exposure assessment. Compared with the impact of the viaduct, a tunnel with an exhaust at a height of 5 or 30 m shows respectively a 40% increase or a 5% decrease in total exposure.

Online publication date: Wed, 29-Apr-2015

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