Introductory paper: The Friendly Islands: and some not so friendly spots
by Teena Brown Pulu
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Vol. 16, No. 2, 2012

Abstract: The International Metropolis Project is coordinated by a secretariat based in Ottawa. Countries bid to host an annual conference in which the general aim is to provide a forum for academics, policy analysts, government officials and non-government organisations to discuss international migration and population diversity. I delivered a keynote lecture at the 16th International Metropolis Conference hosted by the Government of the Azores in Ponta Delgada. The plenary session I presented in was called, Migration in the Context of Islands, and the chair, Professor Richard Bedford, made three clear points in his introduction. Namely, this was the first time that the International Metropolis was hosted by a small island state in an archipelagic location. Second, this was the first time a plenary had been specifically designed for islands. And third, this was my first time to Europe. Indeed, islands are different than non-islands, and there is much to learn about small land masses in large oceans, the theme of this special issue.

Online publication date: Thu, 14-Aug-2014

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