Productivity and quality improvement through value stream mapping: a case study of Indian automotive industry
by Jaiprakash Bhamu; J.V. Shailendra Kumar; Kuldip Singh Sangwan
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM), Vol. 10, No. 3, 2012

Abstract: Value stream mapping (VSM) is one of the most important lean manufacturing tools to identify and reduce all type of wastes in a systematic way. This paper demonstrates the effect of VSM implementation on cost of poor quality, in-process rejections, percentage value addition, lead time, work in process inventory, distance travelled by components and percentage scrap through a case study of VSM implementation in an Indian automotive industry. The results of the study show that the productivity and quality of a company can be improved by implementation of VSM.

Online publication date: Fri, 31-Oct-2014

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