Social capital within sport participation systems: a multi-national inquiry
by Chung-Hsiang Wang; Luo Li; Joyce Olushola; Kyu-soo Chung; Toshiyuki Ogura; Bob Heere
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), Vol. 12, No. 3/4, 2012

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate to what extent people perceive their sport participation structure to provide them with a sense of community. Second, we examined the presence of social capital within these different sport participation structures around the world. Data were collected via asynchronous online focus groups and results revealed that social capital manifests itself differently in each nation. In all three nations it became apparent that sport participation is more conducive to bonding, rather than bridging. Nevertheless, in the Netherlands and Korea, respondents noted this bonding process was accompanied by dependency and emotional support, while in the USA respondents emphasised instrumental support.

Online publication date: Thu, 31-Jul-2014

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