Integration of the soybean production chain and biodiesel: an international parallel to the Brazilian biofuel
by Isabela Ferreira Rosa; Leonardo Bergamin; Ieda Kanashiro Makiya
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (IJISD), Vol. 8, No. 1, 2014

Abstract: Increasing energy use, climate change and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels make switching to biofuels a high priority. Demand for biofuel, specifically based on biodiesel, should change the composition of Brazilian exportation of soybean agro-industrial system. Studies of agricultural chains have drawn attention to important roles including international and domestic market, international traders, the state and standards used extensively to examine a wide range of the commodities context. This paper examines a systemic overview of productive chain of soybean and biodiesel, in Brazil and worldwide, focuses on production and exportation contextualised in sustainable development, Brazilian legislation in comparison with European legislation and the consequences about them.

Online publication date: Sun, 13-Jul-2014

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