An examination of the quality engineering problems experienced in automotive product transfer
by A.J. Heron, B.G. Dale
International Journal of Vehicle Design (IJVD), Vol. 16, No. 6, 1995

Abstract: This paper reports the main findings of a study into the difficulties of moving a complex automotive-related product from prototype construction to the company's main assembly line. Good project management ensured that the transfer of the vehicle went smoothly, to the planned timetable and with no loss of build quality. When the plan fell behind schedule, strong and timely decisions were made to bring it back on course. However, the transfer was not without its problems, including lack of communication between the two assembly plants which led to a certain amount of nugatory effort, differences in working practices of the two plants, and supplier quality problems inherited from the pilot assembly plant. The paper also provides guidance in the setting-up and management of transfer projects of this type and complexity.

Online publication date: Wed, 28-May-2014

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