Integration of rough-cut-capacity planning with manufacturing resource planning
by P.C. Pandey, M. Ahsan Akhtar Hasin
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 10, No. 5/6, 1997

Abstract: In a hypothetical finite loading production system, the production and capacity planning processes should be accomplished primarily on the basis of the limitations of the available resource capacity, rather than focusing on material availability, as is normally done in traditional MRP. Because of this limitation, it is hardly possible to implement the generated MRP schedule without extensive modifications. To resolve this problem and to obtain a feasible Master Production Schedule, the available shop capacity must be taken into consideration at an earlier stage. This study presents a scheme for the integration of Rough-Cut-Capacity-Planning with MRPII with more constraints and elements than considered presently by considering shop capacity during MPS generation (i.e. making the MPS more feasible/realistic).

Online publication date: Mon, 02-Jun-2014

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