Customer value modelling in the energy market and a practical application for marketing decision making
by Sietske Lhoest-Snoeck; Erjen Van Nierop; Peter C. Verhoef
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (IJECRM), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2015
Abstract: In marketing literature, several Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) models can be found. Most include retention, revenues and direct marketing costs. In this study, we contribute to the existing literature on CLV by including service costs as a value detractors and credit risk as a revenue risk. We show that, in our study context, customer value should include not only revenues, but also service costs and credit risk. In addition, this study provides a general framework for using the outcomes of the customer value model in general marketing decision making. Of particular interest are the resulting value consequences of marketing actions. We simulate the consequences of four different actions and show how a combination of changed value due to the action and the success probability of that action lead to a simulation value per customer, which can be used to identify the most suitable action for each customer.
Online publication date: Mon, 20-Jul-2015
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