The combined theory of planned behaviour and technology acceptance model of mobile learning at Tehran universities
by Rouhollah Tavallaee; Sajjad Shokouhyar; Fatemeh Samadi
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO), Vol. 11, No. 2, 2017
Abstract: With the growth and progress of science and the constant development of new branches in the field of technologies, enormous changes have occurred in the dominion of education and learning. When observed in the narrow sense of electronic technologies, learning has outgrown its traditional frames and the electronic format has established its dominating role. Mobile learning can be observed as an emerging technology welcomed by various organisations in the present. This study examined the effect of existing factors in the composite-structural model of the theory of technology acceptance and planned behaviour on the acceptance of mobile learning by students of Tehran universities. To this end, 170 questionnaires were distributed and collected at all of the universities/each university of Tehran. Study results indicated that 85.7% of students have accepted mobile learning. Additionally, some of the survey's aspects, such as attitudinal factors, controlling beliefs factors and self-controlling beliefs, have led to a positive effect on the individual's actual behaviour in the acceptance of mobile learning.
Online publication date: Tue, 23-May-2017
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