Exergoeconomic results of cogeneration system with a gas turbine and absorption cooling system Online publication date: Mon, 30-Oct-2017
by Eduardo José Cidade Cavalcanti
International Journal of Exergy (IJEX), Vol. 24, No. 2/3/4, 2017
Abstract: In this study, results from the exergetic and exergoeconomic analyses of three systems (cogeneration system, gas turbine and absorption inlet cooling) to provide electricity and ice are reported to choose the better system from an economic perspective. The components with worst economic performance were identified for three configurations by exergoeconomic factor. The results revealed that the cogenerative system has a higher electricity power, though the ice production is lower. The exergetic efficiency of cogenerative system is 54.62% and the exergetic efficiency of gas turbine and absorption cooling system are 51.54% and 4.37%, respectively. The total cost rate per exergy showed that the cogeneration system is an advantage for exergoeconomic points of view. Its minimum value is 12.4 $/GJ for low air temperature. The pressure ratio affects the net power, the ice exergy, the exergy efficiency and the total cost rate per exergy.
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