Robust DC-motor speed control using a fractional adaptive PIα regulator
by Yassine Bensafia; Khatir Khettab; Samir Ladaci
International Journal of Digital Signals and Smart Systems (IJDSSS), Vol. 1, No. 2, 2017
Abstract: Conventional adaptive PI controller is one of the most widely used controllers in industry, but the recent advancement in fractional calculus has introduced applications of fractional order calculus in control theory. One of the prime applications of fractional calculus is fractional adaptive PI controller and it has received a considerable attention in academic studies and in industrial applications. Fractional order adaptive PI controller is an advancement of classical integer order adaptive PI controller. In many a cases fractional order adaptive PI controller has outperformed classical integer order adaptive PI controller. Particularly for the problem of controlling the speed of DC-motors, it is very important use a suitable and efficient controller as any small change can lead to instability of the closed loop system. This research paper, studies the control aspect of fractional order controller in speed control of DC motor. A comparative study of classical adaptive PI controller and fractional order adaptive PI controller has been performed to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed fractional adaptive control solution.
Online publication date: Mon, 20-Nov-2017
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