Masculine and feminine traits and career satisfaction: moderation effect of glass ceiling belief
by Pathmu R. Blessie; M.V. Supriya
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 16, No. 2, 2018
Abstract: This article examines the impact of glass ceiling belief on the relationship between personality and career satisfaction. This domain of research, despite being crucial in understanding behaviour at work has not received much attention. Gender bias continues to limit career satisfaction experiences. Personality is a key individual difference that can help negate glass ceiling beliefs. Hence, understanding personality becomes relevant today in the context of glass ceilings. Personality is viewed in two aspects, masculine traits and feminine traits (Wirth, 2001). Data were collected from 150 participants. Regression moderation technique was used to analyse the primary data collected across both the genders. The result supports the existence of a moderation effect of the glass ceiling belief. The glass ceiling belief partially moderates the masculine traits - career satisfaction relationship. While significant moderation effect is observed in the case of feminine traits - career satisfaction relationship. Individuals with masculine and feminine traits cope differently with glass ceiling. Personality therefore impacts their career satisfaction. This study is instrumental in understanding glass ceiling belief and career satisfaction. This study is perhaps a first one in understanding masculine and feminine personality traits in the context of glass ceiling belief.
Online publication date: Mon, 21-May-2018
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