A review on student-centred higher education in civil engineering: evaluation of student perceptions
by Irem Sanal
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL), Vol. 28, No. 2, 2018
Abstract: Considering the past decade, learning and teaching have been changed in terms of strategies, methods, assessment, communication and designing pro-industry curriculum. To meet this challenge, undergraduate program of training must develop from the traditional limited hold of devising a chosen solution to that of a much broader whole system approach. Our university has engaged in this vision and designed the undergraduate civil engineering program to be centred on a systems-based-integrated course with design-based learning and student-centred education at its core, where it becomes vital to learn the student perception. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the thought of the student experience on design-based learning (DBL) and assessment. Issues related DBL has been identified based on the student response to a survey conducted. The results highlight the advantages of DBL for civil engineering courses, where team-work, communication, knowledge-sharing and project management are key issues.
Online publication date: Wed, 07-Nov-2018
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