We do get terribly enthusiastic about everything! Performing emotion rules through parody Online publication date: Mon, 17-Dec-2018
by Eeva Aromaa; Päivi Eriksson; Albert J. Mills
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (IJHRDM), Vol. 19, No. 1, 2019
Abstract: This paper adopts a performational approach to critical sensemaking to explore how organisational members enact innovation-related emotion rules through the performance of parody. The approach was motivated more by induction than deduction. During an action-research study in a small service company, humour, teasing, and laughter occurred in a workshop organised for the company. On close examination of the videotaped workshop data, it was noticed that parodic performances were used to make critical sense of the innovation-related emotion rules and power relationships within the company. Analysis of this study shows in detail how, through parodic and imitative performances, the leader and employees constructed three emotion rules - show your emotions, show your enthusiasm, and show your criticism in a nice way - that are set by the leader to promote innovation practice within the company.
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