Dynamic load balance strategy for parallel rendering based on deferred shading Online publication date: Tue, 26-Mar-2019
by Mingqiang Yin; Dan Sun; Hui Sun
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 18, No. 3, 2019
Abstract: To solve the problem of low efficiency in rendering of large scare scene with complex illumination model, a new deferred shading method is proposed, which is applied to the parallel rendering system. For the deferred shading method, the process of rendering every frame is divided into two phases. The first one called geometrical process is responsible for the visibility detection. In this phase, the primitives are assigned to all rendering nodes evenly and are rendered without illumination. The pixels which should be shaded and their corresponding primitives are found out. The second one called pixel shading is responsible for colouring the pixels which have been found out in the first phase. The pixels are assigned to the rendering nodes evenly according the image of last frame. Experiments show that this method can improve the rendering efficiency of parallel rendering system.
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